John Sheasby | 4 Messages
There can be no disputing that marriage is under attack! Further more, it is highly dangerous for any Christian couple to take their marriage for granted. The subtle deception of the enemy through the romanticism and seduction portrayed in television programs and movies as well as the cancer of unforgiveness can quickly undermine a marriage where spouses are either too busy, distracted or have become nonchalant and ignorant of the devil’s purpose to steal, kill, and destroy.
John covers four Biblical responsibilities for husbands and wives based on Paul’s “one-another” injunctions: Releasing – Forgiveness is essential in marriage
Regarding – Mutual respect is a necessary foundation for building air jordan 1 retro low og sp varsity red hv6157 100 adidas for big and tall 3 stripes tricot pants size – SchaferandweinerShops KR – ‘Superstar Boot’ sneakers adidas for Originals a lasting relationship.
Restoring – God is in the restoration business, and we have a God-given spiritual responsibility for each other’s well-being.
Receiving – marriage is a covenant ir jordan 3 whataburger custom-bond that God designed so that both husband and wife will reach their full potential and the marriage will be a perfect reflection of the love-relationship between Christ and His bride.