The Birthright
If you believe your life is a cause for condemnation rather than celebration . . .
If you are weighted down by the guilt of things done—and undone . . .
If you are haunted by a sense of failure to please your heavenly Father . . .
Let this book set you free! Come home to your Father’s warm embrace.
“John Sheasby has created a masterpiece in The Birthright. Besides the Bible, I have never read a book that has so dramatically and powerfully changed my life. Now, Iclearly understand what it means to be a son unconditionally received by the Father and not a slave who is required to perform. This message has the potential to rescue millions from life in the servants’ quarters.”
—Benjamin C. Dagley, D.O.
“I have prayed the Lord’s Prayer since I was a child. Knowing that God was my Father in heaven was like knowing that George Washington was the father of my country. Until my late 40s, I had welcomed the concept of being included in a spiritual community, but never understood the reality of my birthright as a daughter. Knowing the difference has changed everything.”
— Amy Grant, Recording Artist
“Inspirational! Enlightening! Challenging! John Sheasby is experiencing the life God says we have in Christ, while rejecting the deception, idolatrous religious traditions, and bondage that the powers of darkness have effectively imposed on believers jordan luka 3 colorways release dates. The Birthright will inspire you to live in intimacy with the Father, who invites you as his child to abide in his shadow.”
— James Robison
Host of LIFE TODAY and
Founder and President of LIFE Outreach International
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