What Right Do I Have?



What Right Do I Have?

by John Sheasby & Matt Jones

What if, at the end of your life, you discovered that you were the heir to a vast kingdom? What if you also discovered that the reason you had never received your inheritance was because you had forfeited it yourself, not knowing that it was your right to keep it? Sadly, this is the case with many people who have received the gracious gift of salvation through Jesus. Though they have received His gift, they have never realized that through Jesus they have been adopted into God’s family and made joint heirs with Christ. They have forfeited their inheritance simply because they did not know it was theirs to claim.

You may have chosen to follow Jesus, but are you still living in poverty and sickness, feeling unworthy to ask God for help because of your track record? The good news is, you don’t have to anymore! Your inheritance is not based on you or your own righteousness, but on Jesus, your Covenant Head!

What Right Do I Have? will challenge you to revisit the cross of Jesus where a New Covenant was enacted on your behalf. Let it aid you in reclaiming your identity as a son and heir, and then reclaim your inheritance. It is your right!